Sunday, October 30, 2011

Thirteen weeks for the laws in the workshop 31st october

I talk something about the Laws for the workshop some weeks before.
but just doing some summarizing:

(1) The customer can not allow to enter the workshop, if they injury it's your problem.

(2) Giving the customer invoice when the customer paid the bill. be careful the cash,
     the IRD will check it, some time the IRD will send some person to be an agency to
    check if you recieve money did not give invoice,  they will give you huge fine,
    becuase the IRD is thirsty rightnow.

(3) Every part invoice need order number so when you pay the bill, you check it's easy.

     some part supplier likes to charge you twice, or put wrong price on it.

(4) do not smoking in the workshop, the insurance company will not pay the complain

    if they find cigarette in the workshop.

(5) customer can not allow see the part invoice, because the differents between trade in
     prcie and retail price.

(6) before doing any job call the customer first getting the permit, if not, some
     customers they will say no, you just let them go.

(7) to those customer did not pay bill but want to drive the vehicle away. if he is now
     or has bad record before, pay the bill before giving the car KEY.

     To those good customer can give the car key and let them pay later or pay part of

     bill first and then pay the rest in later or several times.

     To the good customer you need be gently and careful their car, and if you lose one

      good customer, you lose dozen in future.

This maybe is final one for the post, thanks every one , Please writing down some commit or suggestion.


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